Thursday, May 7, 2009

My fish Cupang Memijah

My fish Cupang Memijah

In: Info | Story
March 28, 2009
Visit the new 980, just 1 day

My hickey memijah fish. Hahaha ... Nice to know really fits the hickey fish or fish I memijah action. What is memijah? Memijah means breed or breed or reproduce themselves. For nearly two weeks I and my friend's mind but not the mind busy looking indukan terry hickey fish are ready to breed. Yes, we tried to learn to raise fish or betta fish hickey. Sure we do not intend to become a professional hickey fish breeders, but just want to learn it. It's been two weeks we were busy hunting fishmonger hickey, but that we also find reference to fish farming hickey on the internet through google om service.

But honestly, it was learning through ga om google it easily. Because when we do a search through google with the keyword om "means fish breeding hickey", "fish breeding hickey", "fish breeding hickey", and various other keywords on the fish hickey. Indeed we found many articles about how to breed fish hickey. But the article is not the same, between one arikel with other articles of different steps to mate betta fish.

Until finally the reason my friend terry given a name card hickey fish breeder. Begin your adventure to the father hickey hickey fish nest, hehehe ... When we got there, wuiihhh .... as far as the eye can see fish hickey just visible. There are some other animals there, such as chicken and fish, koi are childless. But hundreds of fish hickey dominate the place, from the breeders themselves we know klo hickey's fish they had been exported to other countries such as Japan, Hong Kong and malaysia.

From there I learned that there are many kinds of fish or betta fish hickey or a fighter of this fish. Starting from the half moon, or crown serit tail, plaques, lavender, giant, and others. There we began to launch questions about how to fish memijah hickey. We would also see the fish spawning hickey and some of the fish that are memijah hickey. After obtaining the knowledge and content to ask, we also bought 2 fish are ready for hickey mated. We also implement measures to fish memijah hickey. Ohya, which keep the fish farms hickey from nias and one of them the same semarga zalukhu augusman bang, they are friendly you know, what is also nice bang ya zal? hehehe ...

Between the two of us the favor of the most fortunate towel, because the fish have hickey memijah the mind and have started to hatch his son. But thank God this morning my hickey fish also memijah. Now more confused nyari eat for prospective child or my hickey burayak this fish. Because eating water fleas, and lice nyari also hard waters. Klo in developing cultures was also difficult. Few tips from my friends who want to learn or raising fish memijah hickey,

* For the parent looking for a 4-month-old or more, or his big udah
* Choose a healthy stem potential, because healthy klo ga ya ga can dikawinin.
* The characteristics of males who are aggressive if Segat see your opponent, the feathers expanded when met the enemy, agile movements, only one color because the color stripe klo anakannya results are usually good ga, for example red klo aja ga red yes there is another color.
* Klo the main female character is distended belly, a white speck under bewarna belly, short tie (tie is under the belly fin), likes to play based on the container.
* Klo ga met indukan like the above characteristics, the seller may be asked directly, and klo udah be time to prepare for spawning container, container that you can use a bucket of size 30 x 15 cm, small aquariums, jars, etc.. But I much recommend using a small aquarium measuring 25 x 20 x 15 (length x height x width).
* After that fill the container with water as high as 10 or 15 cm, the point so that later when the eggs became burayak not hardly breathe. Could pake piped water, ground water, and gallons of water. Love on the surface of the water plants for the male makes a bubble, I use clear plastic to look their eggs (info from the breeder hickey)
* Parent's ready, the container was ok. It is time to spawning. The first male entries into the container that was filled with water, the female input into another container, can use smaller containers of container breeding but must be transparent, Lay the container adjacent to spawning. Point that the male can be female Female ama, and let the female ga beaten black and blue as the male during the combine or kawinkan, klo ga digituin experience sibetina can die like that in the minds of natural terry females. The male to be silenced for 1 hour, 12 hours or a day depending on the aggressiveness of the male of sibetina.
* Klo in 1 hour the male was not aggressive anymore (as have I) a new input to the female spawning container, after it was closed container. Point so that both parents are ga shame, because they are embarrassed too lho klo voyeur Ihtifal in shock. After several hours, the hickey males will make small bubbles as a place to put their eggs. Hickey fish usually married in the afternoon and evening, my hickey fish klo her wedding at 11 noon.
* When fish hickey married, they will membengkokan themselves to each other. After that sibetina will issue such as eggs and floating die, the male then picked up the eggs and put into a bubble that had he made, this part is very fun ngeliatnya for nearly half an hour I jump up and down my hickey clay memijah fish, ha ha ... exciting. After all the eggs are collected, usually the male will drive the female from the collection of eggs. Here, you have to separate the females from the spawning container for the current task until the eggs hatch, the male fish who hickey keep these eggs. After that wait for about 2 days until the eggs are hatched.

That little tips from me to fish memijah hickey, ohya on day 4 should be given burayak water fleas or Daphnia as food, because food reserves sufficient for burayak only 3 to 4 days. Good luck.

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