Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Info & reception job candidates CPNS PNS BUMN enrollment selection announcement formation latest Jobs Bank graduating high school and high school D3 state-owned companies list (pdf, doc., Text, html, bookmarks):

Selection Result Announcement Phase II prospective Management Trainee PT. Semen Gresik
SOE 2007: BTN Bank Employment in July 2007
Employees Receiving Job Candidate SOEs Persero PTPN XI 2007
List of state-owned companies in 2007
SOE 2007: Logistics and Tourism Company
Company Owned Enterprises: Strategic Energy Mining Telecommunications Industry
State Owned Enterprises (SOEs): Agro Industry, Forestry, Paper, Printing, Publishing
Construction Insurance Bank BUMN Hospital
Dg Company Shares under the SOE 51 percent
Perum Perhutani
Profile Perum Perhutani
Working Area Perum Perhutani
SOE 2007
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Registration Form Danareksa (Persero)
Lowongan Recruitment Staff PT PLN (Persero) Level S1 D3
Address PLN Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero)
State-owned Krakatau Steel (Persero)
PT. Trading Company Indonesia (Persero)
BUMN Lowongan PLN 2007
Lowongan BUMN PT Timah Tbk (Persero)
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Pertamina (Persero)
Lowongan Kerja PERTAMINA Balikpapan
Applicants PT Taspen DKI Jakarta
Announcement Selection 2 PT Taspen
PT Taspen Balikpapan
PT Taspen Makassar
PT Taspen Medan
Selection Test Result 2 PT TASPEN Jakarta
Selection Test Result Announcement Phase II PT Taspen Medan
Selection Test Result Announcement of Phase 2 TASPEN Makassar and Jayapura
Selection Test Result Announcement phase 2 PT TASPEN in Surabaya and Balikpapan
List the name of the health service address jateng
List address the state electricity company PLN
Antam bumn strategic partnership
Antam bumn annual report
persero BUMD perum bumn treaty
Database list of hospital addresses drug dependence
bumn company registration form danareksa
Hospital Services Network Allianz Medika Individual Ad
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PLN 2007
Bulog selection of prospective employees
Problem Test test: CPNS 2007 - Prediction CPNS, CPNSD, Honorary, Kumpulan Soal
Development of ethanol production
jateng health department address
BP Migas
Branch Office Address List PMI
Frontliner PLN
List the name of the company address
Internship company data
Lowongan BUMN PT Hutama Works 2007
PLN Jakarta; Lowongan BUMN 2007
Practice Internship Jobs Internship
Announcement PLN Aceh NAD 2007
Lowongan Kerja PLN 2007 PLN Aceh NAD
Perum Perhutani
Perum Perhutani area
Internships PT TELKOM
Lowongan PLN
PT Antam Tbk (Persero)
Pertamina Balikpapan
PT Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk (Persero)
PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Lowongan PT. Krakatau Steel (Persero).
In Indonesia, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is a business entity that part or all of its ownership held by the Republic of Indonesia. SOEs may also be a non-profit company that aims to provide goods or services for the community.

In some SOEs in Indonesia, the government has made a fundamental change in ownership by making state enterprises into public company whose shares can be owned by the public. An example is PT. TelekomunikasiIndonesia, Tbk.

Since 2001 the state coordinated by the Ministry of SOE management, led by a Minister of State Enterprises.

SOEs Types

1. Company Company (Persero)
The Company is a limited company in the form of state-owned limited liability company (PT) of capital stock of at least 51% owned by the government, whose goal the pursuit of profit. The purpose is to set up limited company to provide goods and or services of high quality and strong competitive advantage and pursue to improve corporate value.

2. Companies Agency (Testament)
Companies Agency (treaty) as a form of state-owned capital has come from the state. The amount of company capital stipulated by the State Budget Division.

3. Public Corporation (Perum)
A type of governmental agency companies wrote to manage public facilities.

4. Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises)

State characteristics are as follows:

Governments hold the rights to all the wealth and business
Government as a shareholder domiciled in the company pemodalan
The government has the authority and power in setting corporate policy
Supervision is a tool that complements the state authorities
Serve the public interest, other than for profit
As stabillisator economy in order to provide welfare for the people
As a source of state income
All or most of the state-owned capital
Capital can be either shares or bonds of companies that go public
Can raise funds from other parties, whether in the form of bank and non-banking
Directors take full responsibility for SOEs, and represents the state in court
Destination Establishment SOEs:

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