Monday, May 25, 2009



In Indonesia, state-owned enterprises are enterprises that part or all of its ownership held by the Republic of Indonesia. SOEs may also be a non-profit company that aims to provide goods or services for the community.

In some SOEs in Indonesia, the government has made a fundamental change in ownership by making state enterprises into public company whose shares can be owned by the public. An example is PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.

Since 2001 the state coordinated by the Ministry of SOE management, led by a Minister of State Enterprises.
[edit] Types of SOEs

The types of state enterprises in Indonesia are:
[edit] Company (Persero)

The Company is a limited company in the form of state-owned limited liability company (PT) of capital stock of at least 51% owned by the government, whose goal the pursuit of profit. The purpose is to set up limited company to provide goods and or services of high quality and strong competitive advantage and pursue to improve corporate value.

Persero characteristics are as follows:

* Establishment of limited company by the minister proposed to the President
* Implementation of the establishment by the minister to consider legislation
* Status of a limited liability company organized under the laws of
* Capital stock shape
* Some or all of their capital is owned by the state of the property under separate
* Organ limited company is the AGM, directors and commissioners
* Minister who is appointed has the power as a shareholder-owned
* If all shares owned by the government, the minister acting as the AGM, if only partially, then as a limited liability shareholders
* Meeting to act as the supreme power company
* Led by the directors
* The annual report submitted to the AGM for approval
* Not a state facility
* The main purpose of profit
* Business relationships regulated by civil law
* State employees civil status

Function limited company AGM in the government is holding all the powers contained in the company. AGM also authorized to replace commissioners and directors. Limited company directors are responsible for the maintenance of limited company both within and outside the court. The appointment and dismissal is okeh AGM. Commissioner is a limited company in charge of the organ in the limited company's performance monitoring, and report it to the AGM.

Open Persero appropriate government policies of privatization. Privatization is the sale of part or all stock limited company to another party to increase the quality. Persero the privatized is the element of competitive business and rapidly changing technology. Persero which can not be changed are:

* Persero which according to the legislation must be in state
* Persero working in the field of state hankam
* Persero specially assigned for public
* Persero working in the field of Natural Resources is expressly prohibited by the Act privatized

In Indonesia itself is already a Persero is PT. PP (Housing Development), PT Bank BNI Tbk, PT Kimia Farma Tbk, PT Indo Farma Tbk, PT Tambang Timah Tbk, PT Indosat Tbk (in late 2002 Persero 41.94% stake has been sold to private, so this is not state-owned companies again), and PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk.
[edit] Companies Agency (Testament)
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Companies Agency (treaty) as a form of state-owned capital has come from the state. The amount of company capital stipulated by the State Budget Division. Company characteristics Bureau are as follows:

* Providing services to the community
* Is part of a government department
* Led by a chief who reports directly to the minister or director-general concerned departments
* The status of civil service employees adalan

[edit] Public Corporation (Perum)

A type of governmental agency companies wrote to manage public facilities.

For example: Perum Pegadaian, Perum Jasatirta, Perum DAMRI.
[edit] Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises)

The characteristics of public enterprises is as follows:

* The Government holds rights to all the wealth and business
* The Government as a shareholder domiciled in the company pemodalan
* The government has the authority and power in setting corporate policy
* Supervision is a tool that complements the state authorities
* Serving the public interest, other than for profit
* As stabillisator economy in order to provide welfare for the people
* As a source of state income
* All or most of the state-owned capital
* Capital can be either shares or bonds of companies that go public
* Subject to raise funds from other parties, whether in the form of bank and non-banking
* Board of Directors take full responsibility for SOEs, and represent the state in court

Destination Establishment enterprises:

* Provide a contribution to the national economy and the state cash receipts
* Pursuing and seeking profits
* Fulfilling the livelihoods of people
* Pioneers of business activities
* Providing assistance and protection to small and weak

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