Monday, August 25, 2008

Turkey Roman Empire Uthmaniyyah

Turkey Roman Empire Uthmaniyyah

For the main plan: please see the Roman Empire Turkey Uthmaniyyah

* 1243M-The Turks are nomads who live permanently settled in Asia Minor.
* 1299M-A small area of the Turkish government under the Seljuk Turks established in western Anatolia.
* 1301M-Osman I mengisytiharkan himself as sultan. Uthmaniyyah Turkey Tertubuhnya Roman Empire.
* 1345M-Seljuk Turks crossed the Bosporus Strait.
* 1389M-Tentera Uthmaniyyah Serb killed in Kosovo tentera.
* 1402M-Timurlane, King of the Tartars (Mongols) menumpaskan tentera Uthmaniyyah in Ankara.
* 1451M-Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih into government.
* 1453M-tentera Constantinople captured by Muslim leaders Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih. The end of the Byzantine Roman Empire.
* 1520M-Sultan Sulayman al-Qanuni inaugurated as the sultan.
* 1526M-War Mohacs
* 1529M-attack and siege upon Vienna.
* 1571M-Battle of Lepanto in effect.
* 1641M-Government Sultan Muhammad IV
* 1683M-attack and siege upon Vienna for the second time.
* 1687M-Sultan Muhammad IV died.
* 1703M-Updates culture of Sultan Ahmed III.
* 1774M-Kaynarca Kucuk Agreement.
* 1792M-Treaty of Jassy.
* 1793M-Sultan Selim III declared "New Pentadbiran".
* 1798M-cuba Napoleon to Egypt charming.
* 1804M-Rebellion and the rise of the first Serbian nation.
* 1815M-Rebellion and the rise of the Serbian nation.
* 1822M-Greece beginning of the war for independence.
* 1826M-Murder gang tentera janissaries elite. Tentera defeat at Navarino Uthmaniyyah sea.
* 1829M-Treaty of Adrianople.
* 1830M-The end of Greece's independence war.
* 1841M-Konvensyen Strait.
* 1853M-beginning of the Crimea War.
* 1856M-The end of the Crimea War.
* 1876M-Perlembagaan Uthmaniyyah release.
* 1878M-Congress of Berlin. Serbia and Montenegro were given independence. Bulgaria has been authorized autonomy.
* 1908M-Jawatankuasa Solidarity and Progress or more are recognized as the Young Turks established. Perlembagaan Uthmaniyyah returned. Austria attacked Bosnia and Herzegovina.
* 1912M-first Balkan War.
* 1913m-second Balkan War.
* 1914M-Uthmaniyyah Roman Empire entered World War I as an ally of the power center.
* 1919M-Mustafa Kemal Atatürk landed at Samsun.
* 1923M-imperial system was abolished. Diisytiharkan Turkey as a Republic.
* 1924M-Acting Deputy abolished. Turkey Tamatnya government Uthmaniyyah Roman Empire.

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