Sunday, August 10, 2008

Muhammad s.a.w.

Muhammad s.a.w.

Arabian Peninsula before the arrival of Islam is an area that is not progress. Most of the Arabs was pagan, and there are followers sesetengahnya Christian and Jewish religions. Mecca is a holy place for the Arabs at that time there kerana presence of the idols of their religion and there is also Lake Zamzam and the most important Kaaba.

Muhammad s.a.w. born in Mecca in the Year of the Elephant (570 or 571 masihi). Baginda is again an orphan after his father Abdullah and his mother Amina died. Baginda pakciknya specifically raised by Abu Talib. His Majesty then berkahwin with Siti Khadijah and live a selesa and safe.

His Majesty was not fond of the atmosphere of Mecca who meet with the community that has high social problems. Apart from the trade of idols, people helped to plant Jahilliah baby girls. His Majesty spent much time looking for tranquility digua Hira '. Sehinggala when the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. aged approximately 40 years, the king had been visited by the Angel Gabriel After a while the king to teach Islam in private to the movement-movement closest and so on are open to the entire population of Mecca.

In the year 622 masihi, the king and his followers emigrated to Medina. This event is called Hijra. Since than it bermulalah Islamic calendar.

Mecca and Medina then fight. Muhammad s.a.w. won many battles in spite of the Islamic tentera killed. Eventually the Muslims became strong and triumphant opening Mecca. Kewafatan after the Prophet Muhammad, the Arabian Peninsula under Muslim domination.

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