Monday, June 1, 2009



Who is not familiar with this one fish, arowana fish yep so fascinating. Arowana can say is that most of the fish fill the living room kingkonglomerat, which is practically muuuahal fish.

Arowana fish families including "karuhun", ie fish Osteoglasidae or families "bony-tongue" (bony tongues), because the base of the mouth of the bone that serves as the teeth. Arowana thinking about various nicknames, such as: Fish Dragon (Dragon Fish), Barramundi, Saratoga, PlaTapad, indolent, Siluk, Heaven, Peyang, Tangkelese, Aruwana, or Arowana, depending on the place.

Here is my little tips menshare kinds of fish how to care for the good and right in the tank, so the kinds of fish you are not stressed or in order to develop properly.

1. Note the aquarium equipment
Success or failure of an aquarium into a comfortable place for the kinds of fish, was influenced by the completeness of the support facilities.

Function aerator or air pump is supplying air into the aquarium water, and simultaneously vaporize or encourage the burning of the remains out of the aquarium. Aerator good to say, if the electrical current that a small move, but the air is relatively much ditiupkannya.

Heater & Thermometer
The heater (heater) is needed especially at the aquarium water temperature dropped dramatically. While the water temperature control equipment or the thermometer is also installed in the aquarium. In cold areas, heater and thermometer is needed.

Filter or filter function to filter the water in the aquarium. This includes working filter to suck up water aquarium, filter, and back again into the aquarium in a clean condition.

TL lamps
The existence of TL lamps, emit light in addition, could also enhance the appearance of the aquarium. But, do not let TL lights it was a cause of heat in excess of needs. Ideally for an area of 80x40 cm aquarium lamps require 20 watts of power TL.

2. diligently perform maintenance aquarium
I can not help if you already love the kinds of fish in the aquarium, diligent enough to care. because then it looks arowana in the aquarium look healthy, fresh, and fun.

The main menu is in the aquarium arowana centipedes. but do not constantly be centipedes, should be varied with other foods. for example: shrimp, cockroaches, frogs, centipedes, lizards, and crickets.

control & change of water
every day is required to control water temperature and ph. As for the ideal water temperature for the kinds of fish around 25-27 degrees Celsius. if the temperature of cold water, immediately turn on the heater until the water temperature as needed. whereas the desired ph of about 6-8,5. if ph is too low, then add lime to the aquarium. in addition, water sanitation also need to be considered, please treat the aquarium water with malachite green, with a frequency of 3 weeks.
and do not forget, the aquarium water was also replaced. but dipilahkan water changes into two, namely: (a) regular water changes every 2 days with a volume of 10% of the entire volume of water in the aquarium, and (b) the total turnover of water is conducted every 3 months. if you use pam, should be left 24 hours in advance so that chlorine content in, and after that can be added to the aquarium.

3. interior aquarium
life in the aquarium is a replica of the environment in the wild. therefore, necessary in the aquarium interior. This means that demands an appreciation of aesthetics, so the combination of graceful beauty of an aquarium with fish, arowana can display harmonious shades of coolness.

water plants
considering the origin of kinds of fish that like to hide under water the plants, then we are ready to provide the plants in question. there are several types of water plants to choose from, among others: vallisneria spiral, hidrilla verticillata, riccia fluiutana, higrophila polisperma, pistia stratiotes, najas indica, and so on.

sand rock
sand is used as the foundation stone laying. river sand should be used, which was mixed with humus. in addition, be also included rock and rock garden. The ideal size of stones 3 mm berdia meters. these rocks have a variety of shades and colors that range but still beautiful.

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