Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Safety Tips on Compressed Gas Cylinders

Safety Tips on Compressed Gas Cylinders

Compressed gas cylinders have to be handled properly. Otherwise, associated hazards such as fall, fire, explosion or hazardous gas leakage may happen. That’s why a safety guide on compressed gas cylinders handling is vitally important.

Here are some safety tips on how to handle gas cylinders safely:

1. Compressed gas cylinder should be kept in a special room, fenced and locked.

2. Authorized and trained workers can only have access to the gas cylinders room.

3. Protect gas cylinder against mechanical damage, by using appropriate racks or other means to hold them securely.

4. When the gas cylinder is not used, valve caps should always be in place.

5. To move the gas cylinders manually use sturdy hand trucks, which can hold one or two gas cylinders.

6. Do not handle gas cylinder with electromagnets, ropes or slings.

7. Put appropriate label on the cylinders, which describes content and pressure.

8. Do not allow cylinders to direct sunshine or expose to high temperature (>52degC).

9. Keep flame away from contact with cylinder surface.

10. Keep flammable materials away from the cylinders.

11. Use suitable piping, valves, fittings and others apparatus for the contained gas and pressure.

12. Make sure we have provided valves, regulators and safety relief devices.

13. Always open cylinder valve slowly to wide-open position.

14. Maintain gas cylinder and its accessories in good condition.

15. Never use defective safety relief device and leaked cylinder. Mark it and separate from the good ones.

16. Separate and mark empty gas cylinders from the stock.

17. Do not accept gas cylinders without clear gas name and good gas cylinder condition.

18. Calculate exactly your compressed gas consumption. It is unsafe to store many compressed gas cylinders for 1 year consumption.

Compressed gas cylinder is a typical source of hazards found in chemical plants. So take it into account when we will do hazard identification task. And the above safety tips are forms of hazard controls.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Plant Safety Inspections

Plant Safety Inspections

Plant safety inspection is a kind of self-checking system. Its aims are to identify potential hazards, look for facility failure, conform the existing safety measures are effective, ensure safety tools availability and conformity, check safety-protection devises functionality, seek unsatisfactory safety programs, check documents and check current safety of the workplaces.

Areas in the plant site that are subjected to be inspected include plant facilities, working conditions, safety equipments/tools, workplace references, jobs, tasks and activities.

Plant safety inspection is the effective measures to prevent accident and even emergency situations. In most cases, safety inspection is more active, rather than reactive.

Who is in charge for safety inspection?

Safety inspection should be done by well-trained individuals or team, which can consist of safety representatives in your organization or internal-safety inspectors.

Plant Safety Inspection Procedures

At first, a procedure for doing the safety inspection has to be provided as well as safety inspection form and checklist. The procedure should describe clearly scope of inspection area, corrective actions and management review. To prepare the best inspection checklist, an initial complete survey to the facility and jobs/tasks is required.

Inspection is performed by surrounding the plant site area and filling out the checklist. Then, classify inspection findings or deficiencies into urgent action, quick improvement or recommend for future improvement. Write down these findings on report form and distribute copy of the report to the management, related sections and don’t forget to provide one copy for filing.

It is no problem if we separate each area to be inspected. Making a schedule will give us a good mapping area and get better inspection results. Plant safety inspection is recommended to be performed in a regular basis. For instance, it is scheduled once per month.

Follow up Against Safety Inspection

Put at the top priority the required urgent actions soon after inspection report released. When it is too late to take actions, an accident may occur. Of course, the management should review all the inspection findings according to the report and introduces quick decision on urgent ones before taking actions.

Some actions may require additional investment and could not be decided in a short time. However, alternative corrective measure has to be provided to control the associated potential hazards. That’s why management review on this matter is essential.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

ST 12

  1. ST 12 Biography & Lyrics ST 12(new Album)

    23 Mei 2008 ... Satu lagi grup band asal kota kembang Bandung menyemarakan belantika musik Indonesia. ST12, grup yang terdiri dari 4 personil, Pepep (Drum), ...
    yudhim.blogspot.com/.../st-12-biography-lyrics-st-12new-album.html - Tembolok - Mirip

    KESETIAKAWANAN menjadi pedoman yang dipegang teguh oleh kelompok musik pop asal Bandung, ST12, ini dibuktikannya (Jumat, 4 Juli 2008), di Jakarta. ...
    kawasanstsetia.blogspot.com/.../st12-adalah-grup-musik-beraliran-musik.html - Tembolok - Mirip
  3. Republika Online - ST 12 Bercerita Lewat Album

    18 Apr 2009 ... Ketika muncul kali pertama, tak sedikit yang mengira ST 12 adalah salah satu band asal Malaysia. Boleh jadi ini lantaran pada album pertama ...
    www.republika.co.id/koran/56/44746 - Tembolok - Mirip
  4. Hot Music

    Kini band asal Inggris itu telah ditinggalkan personel intinya Noel Gallagher. .... ST12 Mengulang Sukses 'P.U.S.P.A' Dengan Bumbu Religi ...
    music.detikhot.com/?881104212 - Tembolok - Mirip
  5. ST12 Band Blog // Recent Blog Entries // info st12 // BlogCatalog

    ST12 tampil di Hotel Banjarmasin Internasional, Jumat (2/5).Grup band aliran musik melayu ST12 asal Kota Bandung Jawa Barat, Jumat malam, akhirnya menghibur ...
    www.blogcatalog.com/blogs/st12-band/.../info%20st12/ - Tembolok - Mirip
  6. forsaken upon nemesis :: ST 12 – Rasa yang Tertinggal :: February ...

    Hai ST 12 nma Q dhani , , Q gadis asal jakarta tp kampungku di smarang , , oia aq ngefans bnget lho ama ST 12 apalg sm k'Charlie yg ganteng bnget mirip ...
    maxell.blogsome.com/2007/02/14/p110/ - Tembolok - Mirip
  7. [PDF]

    Grup band aliran musik Melayu, ST12, asal Kota Bandung Jawa Barat ...

    Jenis Berkas: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versi HTML
    1/5 (Roll Entertainment) - Grup band aliran musik Melayu, ST12, asal Kota Bandung Jawa. Barat, Jumat malam, menghibur ratusan warga Kota Banjarmasin, ...
    entertainment.id.finroll.com/.../22554-st12-hibur-ratusan-warga-banjarmasin.pdf - Mirip
  8. Info St12 :: BlogRankings

    ST12 Go International by ST12 Band on Jul 16, 2009Go international jadi impian sebagian besar musisi Indonesia. Tak terkecuali grup band asal Bandung, ST12. ...
    www.blogrankings.com/post/info+st12 - Tembolok - Mirip
  9. ST - 12 "SETIA"'s Notes | Facebook

    16 Jul 2009 ... Biarkan Jatuh Cinta hadir dengan musik yang mempertahankan ciri khas ST 12. Sejauh ini, publik sangat mengenal grup asal Bandung ini sebagai ...
    www.facebook.com/notes.php?id=60045576506 - Tembolok - Mirip
  10. St 12 Band Asal Bandung | Job Vacancy -Lowongan Kerja

    ... kids Kit kitchen lagu lg lowongan models motor mp3 music nissan pacar pekerjaan puspa putih sale scale shaggy soundtrack st-12 st12 tangga tools vacancy ...
    www.kit-and-caboodle.com/.../st+12+band+asal+bandung - Tembolok - Mirip

Friday, June 5, 2009

Chemical Hazard List for the Chemical Industry

Chemical Hazard List for the Chemical Industry

When we are dealing with chemicals in the workplaces, we will be exposed to the chemicals-associated potential hazards that would harm our health and safety, environment and plant facilities. Adequate information about chemical hazards will greatly help us during hazard identification study and ensure no hazards left to be identified.

The list below shows hazards those are associated with chemicals preservation, loading and unloading operation, transportation, usage or maintenance work.

1. Fire. This may be caused by flammable, combustible or reactive chemicals. 2. Explosion. It comes with flammable, combustible or reactive chemicals. 3. Heat. As the result of reaction of the chemicals with another one. 4. Toxic gas. Such gas is also possible to be introduced when two or more chemicals reacting or through decomposition reaction. 5. Corrosive vapors. 6. Harmful to human health: eye irritation, corneal damage, eye burn, skin irritation, skin burn, headache, dizziness, nervous system depression, liver damage, kidney damage, heart damage, tract irritation, death, etc. Each chemical may have different health effects and this information can be extracted from the MSDS. 7. Environment contamination. Chemical spill and waste are common environment contamination factors.

The first step that has to be followed is to make a list containing hazardous chemicals used in the plant site. After that, refer to each MSDS for identifying the hazards. From MSDS, we can recognize different hazard control for each chemical. Some chemicals that are commonly found in chemical plant operation are hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, phosphoric acid, formaldehyde, methanol, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrogen and etc.

Don’t forget to update the chemical hazards list regularly or when change exists. This is so important and will directly affect the hazard identification list.

Monday, June 1, 2009



Who is not familiar with this one fish, arowana fish yep so fascinating. Arowana can say is that most of the fish fill the living room kingkonglomerat, which is practically muuuahal fish.

Arowana fish families including "karuhun", ie fish Osteoglasidae or families "bony-tongue" (bony tongues), because the base of the mouth of the bone that serves as the teeth. Arowana thinking about various nicknames, such as: Fish Dragon (Dragon Fish), Barramundi, Saratoga, PlaTapad, indolent, Siluk, Heaven, Peyang, Tangkelese, Aruwana, or Arowana, depending on the place.

Here is my little tips menshare kinds of fish how to care for the good and right in the tank, so the kinds of fish you are not stressed or in order to develop properly.

1. Note the aquarium equipment
Success or failure of an aquarium into a comfortable place for the kinds of fish, was influenced by the completeness of the support facilities.

Function aerator or air pump is supplying air into the aquarium water, and simultaneously vaporize or encourage the burning of the remains out of the aquarium. Aerator good to say, if the electrical current that a small move, but the air is relatively much ditiupkannya.

Heater & Thermometer
The heater (heater) is needed especially at the aquarium water temperature dropped dramatically. While the water temperature control equipment or the thermometer is also installed in the aquarium. In cold areas, heater and thermometer is needed.

Filter or filter function to filter the water in the aquarium. This includes working filter to suck up water aquarium, filter, and back again into the aquarium in a clean condition.

TL lamps
The existence of TL lamps, emit light in addition, could also enhance the appearance of the aquarium. But, do not let TL lights it was a cause of heat in excess of needs. Ideally for an area of 80x40 cm aquarium lamps require 20 watts of power TL.

2. diligently perform maintenance aquarium
I can not help if you already love the kinds of fish in the aquarium, diligent enough to care. because then it looks arowana in the aquarium look healthy, fresh, and fun.

The main menu is in the aquarium arowana centipedes. but do not constantly be centipedes, should be varied with other foods. for example: shrimp, cockroaches, frogs, centipedes, lizards, and crickets.

control & change of water
every day is required to control water temperature and ph. As for the ideal water temperature for the kinds of fish around 25-27 degrees Celsius. if the temperature of cold water, immediately turn on the heater until the water temperature as needed. whereas the desired ph of about 6-8,5. if ph is too low, then add lime to the aquarium. in addition, water sanitation also need to be considered, please treat the aquarium water with malachite green, with a frequency of 3 weeks.
and do not forget, the aquarium water was also replaced. but dipilahkan water changes into two, namely: (a) regular water changes every 2 days with a volume of 10% of the entire volume of water in the aquarium, and (b) the total turnover of water is conducted every 3 months. if you use pam, should be left 24 hours in advance so that chlorine content in, and after that can be added to the aquarium.

3. interior aquarium
life in the aquarium is a replica of the environment in the wild. therefore, necessary in the aquarium interior. This means that demands an appreciation of aesthetics, so the combination of graceful beauty of an aquarium with fish, arowana can display harmonious shades of coolness.

water plants
considering the origin of kinds of fish that like to hide under water the plants, then we are ready to provide the plants in question. there are several types of water plants to choose from, among others: vallisneria spiral, hidrilla verticillata, riccia fluiutana, higrophila polisperma, pistia stratiotes, najas indica, and so on.

sand rock
sand is used as the foundation stone laying. river sand should be used, which was mixed with humus. in addition, be also included rock and rock garden. The ideal size of stones 3 mm berdia meters. these rocks have a variety of shades and colors that range but still beautiful.