Saturday, December 20, 2008

Indonesian Robot contest 2010 Thursday, November 19, 2009 22:02:52 - by: news

Indonesian Robot contest 2010
Thursday, November 19, 2009 22:02:52 - by: news

In order to develop student creativity and to apply science and technology into the real world and to improve the sensitivity of the Indonesian students in the development of robotics, with respect to report that as in previous years the Directorate of Research and devotion to the Community, Directorate General of Education Ministry of Education Cleaner, intended to hold contests Robot Indonesia (KRI), Indonesia Intelligent Robot Contest (KRCI), and Indonesian Art Robot Contest (KRSI) 2010.

With regard to the above, we invite interested universities to submit proposals KRI, KRCI and KRSI with the following conditions:

1. Participants college teams and private land may submit a proposal to DP2M with the approval of the Deputy / Assistant Rector / Chairman / Director of Student Affairs each college with the provisions of each college is allowed to send only 1 (one) proposal proposal KRI, KRSI and KRCI for each division. KRI submission form, KRCI and KRSI (application form KRI, KRCI, and KRSI) can be seen in a guidebook KRI / KRCI / KRSI 2010 (attached) or on the web site:, http: / / and

2. Proposal KRI / KRCI / KRSI already DP2M must be received by no later than 31 December 2009 at 17:00 PM. Each proposal was made 1 (one) copy by using the cover of green cover and sent to the address:

Director of Research and Corporate Citizenship

Directorate General of Higher Education

Diki House Lt.4, Dandenong road Pintu Satu Senayan

Jakarta Pusat 10270

For proposal KRI / KRCI / KRSI accepted late until the time

which has been determined, will not be processed.

3. Participants KRI / KRCI / KRSI 2010 open to students and Graduate Diploma programs. Students can form groups of 3 (three) students and 1 (one) lecturers (to HMS and KRSI) and 2 (two) students and 1 (one) lecturers (for KRCI).

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