Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Rich part 1 As a graduate student in computer science at MIT earning a $1600/month research stipend, I feel amply qualified to instruct the e

How to Rich part 1

As a graduate student in computer science at MIT earning a $1600/month research stipend, I feel amply qualified to instruct the entire Internet on the art of becoming as rich as Bill Gates (check the Wealth Clock to see how much he has right now). I get my confidence from Dr. Leo Buscaglia, author of Love, Born for Love : Reflections on Loving, Living, Loving and Learning, and Bus 9 to Paradise. Dr. Buscaglia, our nation’s most prominent lecturer on the subject of love, turns out to be divorced (”it was a very loving divorce”).

Lesson 1: Choose Your Grandparents Carefully

“There are three ways to make money. You can inherit it. You can marry it. You can steal it.”
– conventional wisdom in Italy

William Henry Gates III made his best decision on October 28, 1955, the night he was born. He chose J.W. Maxwell as his great-grandfather. Maxwell founded Seattle’s National City Bank in 1906. His son, James Willard Maxwell was also a banker and established a million-dollar trust fund for William


(Bill) Henry Gates III.

In some of the later lessons, you will be encouraged to take entrepreneurial risks. You may find it comforting to remember that at any time you can fall back on a trust fund worth many millions of 1998 dollars.


By admin
Wednesday, 27-February-2008, 17:57:15 34260th click Send this story to a friend Printable Version
Hickey ornamental, these commodities could say there is no death. In fact, these days ornamental hickey contest was held to bloom again in the big cities, like Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. For those interested membisniskannya, this book is read. Who knows hickey decorated with hockey.
Click to view more photos ...
Hickey ornamental, these commodities could say there is no death. In fact, these days ornamental hickey contest was held to bloom again in the big cities, like Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya.

The number of contest participants increased from year to year. No wonder if this beautiful finned fish known homeland communities.

Hickey beauty lies in the form of fins charm combined with the impressive color. In addition, treatment of ornamental hickey somewhat easy and simple.

This book thoroughly examines the intricacies of cultivation and maintenance of ornamental hickey, including ornamental hickey preparing to contest arena.

For those interested in ornamental hickey business, this book can you make a guide because it also presents the intricacies of ornamental hickey business, such as aspects of marketing and business analytics. Who knew there was hockey .***

Author: Joty Atmadjaja and Maloedyn Sitanggang
Size: 17.5 x 24 cm
Thickness: 48 FC 116 BW
ISBN: 979-006-155-2
Price: $ 44,000

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kalaw not have time to buy

Kalaw not have time to buy
Submitted by king dival (not verified) on 7 September, 2008 - 00:36.

Kalaw not have time to buy blue solution, using non-leaf could ketapan?

* Reply

Leaves the cooking water ketapan
Submitted by radmanblog (not verified) on 7 September, 2008 - 00:37.

Ketapan leaves the cooking water and the blue solution has a different function. One to reduce the acidity of water, one for treatment.

* Reply

Cupang fish, breeding
Submitted by Daffa Farm (not verified) on 7 September, 2008 - 00:37.

Fish Cupang, reproduce by making the foam (in dire need of oxygen). The Males enacting foam and keep the eggs remain on the surface of water, so the children can swim perfectly.

If we toss the fish eggs, mean eggs will be much dr surface. Then stir the egg-me with a chemical solution is treated how?? to be a perfect incubation, when the natural hatching, the male will collect the eggs and newly hatched problem child (falling and the cry of the foam) to stay in the foam. What percentage of children living fish than the number of eggs were given a solution of reply? What percentage of male children dr yg dissolving it produced?

* Reply

I want to ask, why the fish
Submitted by Made Wirawan (not verified) on 7 September, 2008 - 00:38.

I want to ask, why I fish often moldy? what the most powerful drug to combat / prevent before it hit the pet fish. Trim's sblumnya.

* Reply

If I often use
Submitted by radmanblog (not verified) on 7 September, 2008 - 00:39.

If I make frequent use of salt fish to the water soluble reply before the fish entered.

* Reply

aq koq g bisa2 yes ngawinin
Submitted by Steven Gerrard (not verified) on 7 September, 2008 - 00:39.

aq koq g bisa2 yes girlfriend cupang.kadang tuw ngawinin gimana mati.trus hayo

* Reply

For Steven Gerrard: Before
Submitted by radmanblog (not verified) on 7 September, 2008 - 00:40.

For Steven Gerrard:

Before mated, the female parent must benar2 mature age. If not, he will only be bulan2an the father before the marriage occurred.

Before the mating process occurs, where telur2 not yet issued, the father will continue to force mother to marry a way dikejar2 and attacked. If the mother is not ready to marry, she will be issued non-eggs. Finally, he will dikejar2 continued until exhaustion and death.

Mudah2an help

* Reply

than hard-hard
Submitted by rico.s (not verified) on 7 September, 2008 - 00:40.

than the hard difficulty purchasing mending ngawinin same hickey I wrote, hickey 5 months quality complaints have rico ok. 08161126622, guaranteed

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Expanding and Extending USB

Expanding and Extending USB

usb1USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a low cost interface connection. It is now the most common computer connection with many devices such as keyboards, printers and digital cameras using it as standard. As the number of compatible devices has grown the need to easily access them has also increased.

This has meant many users now need to expand and extend the USB connectivity of their laptop or desktop computer. Expanding allows devices to be shared, split and accessed by more than one computer or enabling a computer to connect to multiple USB devices at the same time. Expanding overcomes the problems of the limited number of USB ports often supplied with modern computers, especially smaller laptops and netbooks.

Extending increases the distance USB signals can be sent so a computer doesn’t have to be closely situated to the peripheral. This combats one of USB’s major limitations in that the standard maximum recommend length for a USB cable is 5m due to performance restrictions. However, for some applications for example interactive whiteboard installations, 5m is not always enough so signals need to be extended.

The most common method of expanding USB is through the use of simple USB hubs. Hubs allow multiple USB peripherals to be connected to one USB port. Hubs in turn connect to a host computer transmitting all connecting signals to it. The problem of port congestion is then solved as hubs generally have anything from 2 to 8 ports. Hubs are commonly free standing but are also built into devices such as monitors. USB switches expand peripheral connectivity by allowing them to be shared with multiple computers. They are a cost effective solution especially useful for devices which need to be accessed by more than one computer, such as printers.

They eliminate the need for duplicate devices and multiple cables. Switches alternate between computers as the users decide who has access to the equipment at that particular time. USB sharing hubs combine the functionality of both a hub and a switch and can serve multiple USB devices between a number of computers at the same time. Just like switches, sharing hubs are ideal for larger, more expensive equipment that needs to be accessed by more than one person at a time, but with the capability that allows users to do this simultaneously.

As with expanding, extending USB can also be achieved using a number of methods. A simple way of extending USB is by using extension cables. USB extension cables are useful for extending devices over shorter distances and typically max out at around 3m in length. The ‘plug and play’ capability of extension cables makes them a simple and easy to use solution. They work with both smaller and larger devices such as card readers and printers. USB extension cables are ideal for use with wirelss dongles or with products that have built-in USB cables.

A simple, cost effective way to extend USB over very long distances is by using Cat.5 USB Extenders. As their name implies, these devices use standard Cat.5 Ethernet patch cable to make the long distance connection. A transmitter is connected to a computer via its USB port while a receiver connects to the USB peripheral at the opposite end. The two units are then connected using Cat.5 cable. Commonly used with devices such as interactive whiteboards, extenders are a great solution for connecting devices further away from a host computer than an extension cable would allow. Distances of up to 50m can be achieved; however, USB 2.0 is not usually supported so devices are limited to USB 1.1 performance of up to 11Mbps. Cat.5 USB Extenders are probably the cheapest and easiest solution for connecting a USB device and host computer over great distances.

Perhaps the ultimate form of USB extension is USB over IP servers which allow USB devices to be connected to a network. Equipment such as a standard USB printer can be transformed into a shared network device as the server provides an interface between the device and a network. It simply connects the device to a network via Ethernet so the device can be used by anyone on the network wherever they are in the world!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Relationship with Man

Relationship with Man

Communities in Papua paradise feathers are often used in clothing and their customs, and a few centuries ago it was important for feather millinery made in Europe. The hunt for fur and destruction of habitat caused a decrease in the number of birds in several species to the level terancm; destruction of habitat due to deforestation is now the main threat.

Hunting birds of paradise to be taken fur hat for trade to bloom in the late 19th and early 20th century (Cribb 1997), but now the birds were protected and hunting is only allowed for the celebration of the needs of the local tribes. In the case of Saxony Bird of Paradise, it is advisable to take from the house Fawn-breasted bird's nest. When King Mahendra of Nepal ascended the throne in 1955, was the bird of paradise feathers in the crown of the kingdom of Nepal need to be replaced. Because the hunting ban, finally allowed reimbursement of consignments seized by United States law.

Adult birds of paradise depicted on the flag of Papua New Guinea. David Attenborough has said some birds of paradise as his favorite type of animal, maybe he liked Paradise Bald.
[edit] References

* Cracraft, J. & Feinstein, J. (2000): What is not a bird of paradise? Molecular and morphological evidence places Macgregoria in the Meliphagidae and the Cnemophilinae near the base of the corvoid tree. Proc. R. Soc. B 267: 233-241.
* Cribb, Robert (1997): Birds of paradise and environmental politics in colonial Indonesia, 1890-1931. In: Boomgaard, Peter; Columbijn, Freek & Henley, David (eds.): Paper landscapes: Explorations in the environmental history of Indonesia: 379-408. KITLV Press, Leiden. ISBN 90-6718-124-2
* Frith, Clifford B. & Beehler, Bruce M. (1998): The Birds of Paradise: Paradise. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-854853-2
* Mackay, Margaret D. (1990): The Egg of Wahnes' Carola Carola wahnesi (Paradise). Emu 90 (4): 269. PDF fulltext

[edit] External links

* The birds of paradise
* Video streaming bring some birds of paradise mating dance

Retrieved from ""

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Technique Producing Betta (Fish Cupang) Males

Technique Producing Betta (Fish Cupang) Males
Submitted by radman on 5 September, 2008 - 21:21.

* Cultivation
* Hobbies
* Fish hickey
* Ornamental fish

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Betta fish or fish with a popular title hickey (Betta splendens) is one of the ornamental fish which has commercial value, both for the domestic market and export markets. As an ornamental fish that likes to fight, has an attractive appearance that has a relatively long fins with a good color spectrum, while the female betta fish looks less attractive, because it was not long fins and bright colors that were not on betta fish, male gender higher compared with female gender. With the required effort is essentially reproduce male Betta fish production, which can be done en masse.
Hickey in the process in the process of spawning pemijahanCupang
Spawning and Production Engineering

In the mature male parental gonadal fins brighter colors on the mother's belly and in a transparent, egg expenditure on the channel can be seen.

In principle be done in pairs breeding in each separate container (aquarium, bucket or in boxes that are placed inside the tub). Before mixed dams included in the bottle so as not to disturb nesting males in the foam. Nest is made by taking an air bubble from the surface and release it under the surface of leaves or water plants floating on the surface of water. This process continues for hours with the occasional stop to eat.
Hickey male ready memijah Cupang male ready to mate, often made of foam on the surface of the water

When the nest is ready, the mother removed from the bottle, mixed with a male to start spawning. At the time of spawning the male body covered dams forming the letter "U" with the adjacent ventral for + 1 minute until the issue is immediately fertilized egg sperm. Eggs slowly sinking and will soon be taken by the father with his mouth for the next set disarang foam. Spawning process lasted for 1 hour + with 20-25 same spawning stage. When the spawning activity ended, the mother moved from the spawning to be returned to the maintenance of the parent, but should first be included in the solution metyline blue 2 mg / liter for 24 hours to treat wounds that may exist after spawning. Male parent was fixed on the container breeding to feeding and caring for the eggs until they hatch. In every time of spawning as many as 1000-1500 eggs obtained grains. Larvae and subsequent maintenance and enlargement pendederan can be done on a container wall with the feed tub of worms Tubifex sp. or Chironomus sp. to ready for the market.
Technique reproduce Male Betta Fish

Male betta fish has brighter color and fins are longer than the female betta fish. Therefore, the male betta fish is more interested in consumer and commercial value is higher than the females. In connection with the techniques necessary to increase the production of a male betta fish in each spawning. One effort that can be done is by giving the hormone androgen during sexual differentiation.
Hickey females ready to mate, there are white spots on the bottom fin dadanyaCupang females ready to mate, there are white spots on the bottom fin chest

Hormone administration technique is a way betta fish eggs meremdam phase eye spots (+ 30 hours after spawning) to a solution of 17 Alpha metiltestosteron hormone concentrations 20 mg / liter of water for 8 hours. Making the hormone solution is by dissolving the hormone as much as 20 mg to 1 ml of 70% alcohol and then entered keair that will be used to soak as much as 1 liter.

Soaking the eggs tucked back into the container of water with blue metyline given solution to prevent the fungus in the process of hatching. The next stage seeding procedure similar to betta fish until age three months to be able to distinguish gender. It is expected that by giving a steroid hormone that can increase the male betta fish up to 95% in each spawning.