Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Online Computer Science Degrees: What Everyone Needs to Know

Online Computer Science Degrees: What Everyone Needs to Know

Do you really love computers? Do you wish to know how computers function, how they really work? If you possessed a computer science degree, you would have knowledge encompassing all about computers and more. How could you possibly be able to receive a computer science degree while you barely are hanging on financially with your present job and impending financial obligations? The answer is rather easy. You are able to receive an online computer science degree by learning, studying and working in just your spare time. In just a little time, you may be able to give your notice at that dead end job you now hold and you ought to be able to acquire your dream job of working with computers.

At the time you locate a good school, and know that there are many available, you simply need to sign up for classes and get to studying. If you happen to be worried about finances, you will be pleased to learn that many online computer science degrees can be reached by obtaining financial aid with the school, a bank or even a student loan company, such as Sallie Mae. To locate a good school, a mere internet search will come up with a long list and you can begin to start comparing the schools you locate. With a little time and research, you will find a school program that suits you and your lifestyle and you can proceed to work on your online computer science degree.

It ought to be voiced that merely as and just because you are taking classes and embarking towards an online computer science degree does not mean you are able to slack off. No one will be there to verify and ensure that you are paying attention, studying or even doing your homework. You must therefore be very self-disciplined. Set your goals, recall them often and work toward them. Study at the times it states and complete your work and turn it is as directed and at the time when you finally earn and receive your online computer science degree, you will certainly be able to say you that it has been earned, just as if you were to have attended an actual college.

There exist a lot of advantages with obtaining an online computer science degree. First off, you are able to work towards your degree at the same time as holding a full time job. This will allow you to support yourself and/or family while you attempt at bettering yourself. Secondly, it will allow you to study at any location you have a computer, laptop and an internet connection. This means you are also able to travel and earn your degree simultaneously, assuming that you are also still working hard at studying and learning the materials as needed. Finally, laboring towards your online computer science degree will provide you with a immense sense of accomplishment and enhanced self worth. You should be able to apply for different and better paying positions with a confidence in the knowledge that you have improved your life by way of your own hard work, studies and dedication. Obtaining an online computer science degree is quite an accomplishment that you will be proud of.

So locate a school program that fits and begin your progression towards an online computer science degree. You never know the doors that may open for you and you if you do not try. The ultimate career opportunity may present itself, often while in school and working on internships or even after a few classes, positions in your field of study quickly open up for you.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Online Biology Degrees: Educate Yourself

Online Biology Degrees: Educate Yourself

One of the many branches of study within the field of Science is Biology.

The free web dictionary defines Biology as: “The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions. It is also the life processes or characteristic phenomena of a group or category of living organisms: the biology of viruses. And it is also the plant and animal life of a specific area or region.”

The majority of students discover this field to be a very interesting field of study. The area is one overflowing with learning possibilities and can also be very exciting as it involves the vibrant world of plants and animals. These can be very interesting to observe and learn. How much more can a student observe it not merely by books but also by online biology videos? You can educate yourself in this field by online Biology degrees.

Children of varying age brackets can learn information online from the website of The National Biological Information Infrastructure. It is one of many sites on the World Wide Web that is able to serve with a wealth of information for the learning of Biology. This site is able to be a great guide for teachers who are introducing and teaching: Aquatic Biology, General biology, Biodiversity and Environment, Botany, Birds, Insects, Mammals, Arachnids and Annelids, Microbes, or even Reptiles and Amphibians among many others. For students using this site, there exist age and level brackets from which they could choose pick. You can also search to educate yourself on further your interest to obtain an online biology degree.

These online videos for Biology can really be an effective media tool for learning and education. Different from others such as a conventional book, videos are able to encourage the children to understand more of the lessons. They no longer will have a difficult time imagining how particular animals or plants appear as they will see it in action. Although, there often are pictures in books, videos are in action and it will appear more “real” to the eyes of the students-viewers. You never know if you are aspiring one to become the next Jane Goodall. They may use these as a catalyst to reach great heights and even receive an online biology degree to save the planet Earth one day.

This type of video information has the ability to make Education easier and learning more fun while students are learning and absorbing new facts presented to them. As any teacher or parent is well aware, kids have a stage in their life where they appear to pay less attention to studies. As they would much rather play or meet up with their peers. To utilize videos for this type of student is a great way of capturing and keeping attention focused on the subject matter.

One of the best things about Education by way of videos for Biology is that it is able to set a good model for children. Children constantly imitate. When videos represent the conservation of Earth, in the manner of planting of trees, recycling or other helpful activities, it will teach children to do the same and act in the same manner. Learning will never be boring. Attempt to use and view these videos at this time for yourself and you will see the big difference. You may even be aspired yourself to progress and reach for an online biology degree.

Biology is a fundamental subject to learn- so learn and teach it in the best way possible that will keep the attention and interest of the student. Online education for biology is at its most accurate and most up to date which is advantageous of our time. Learn to take advantage of online biology degrees, courses and classes!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Drop These 5 False Friends And Quickly Improve Your Spanish

Drop These 5 False Friends And Quickly Improve Your Spanish

I bet this has happened to you. You’re merrily chatting away in Spanish when suddenly, the listener’s reaction tells you that you’ve either said something silly or worse, put your foot right in it! God knows how many times it’s happened to me during my time here in beautiful Barcelona, so if you’ve ever been left bemused and in red-faced embarrassment because your listener is in fits of laughter or down-right offended, then let me help you.

Here’s 5 common “false friends”, betrayers that cause all sorts of uncomfortable and embarrassing moments as they confuse, amuse and occasionally offend native speakers. I’ve had all sorts of trouble with false friends and here’s some of my best howlers to help you polish up your Spanish and give you a giggle or two as you go!

One summer evening, I was enjoying a quiet drink in one of my favorite bars when a local and his little dog sit at the table next to mine. Although strangers, we exchange pleasantries, something I love about life here. His little dog was sitting next to him and he’s patting it and making a real fuss. It’s obvious he loves his dog so ever eager to chat in Spanish I confidently say:

“Tú das mucho afección a tu perro.” - You give your dog lots of affection. Well that’s what I thought I was saying…not quite!

He gives me a puzzled look and although it took a while for me to understand his explanation as it was all in Spanish, it turns out that I’d actually said:

“You’re giving a medical condition to your dog.”

I was betrayed by a false friend - affección. The correct word is: Afecto. Affección is actually “complaint” or “condition”. Woof! Down boy!

There’s some really great places to shop here but my favorite is my local grocery store. It’s run by a lovely family who have made me feel very welcome right from my first visit. No matter how busy they are, they always find time to chat with me and and this has really helped me with my Spanish. All of them speak fluent English too! One day we’re having a good chin-wag and I’m explaining why I think it’s so important for me to speak Spanish, even though I could easily get by just speaking English as many ex-pats do.

“Creo que si se vive en España, se habla en Español. Si se vive en Inglaterra, se habla en Inglés.”

“Estoy de acuerdo hombre, es un cuestión de respeto.”

“En absoluto.”

Oskar starts laughing and says to me in English: “Why are you disagreeing with me? Oh I forgot. You’re a guiri!” And he’s chuckling away as I stood beside the ripe red tomatoes, blending in with them nicely.

Eventually he explains that “en absoluto” means “absolutely not” and not “absolutely.” A better response would’ve been “claro” or “tienes razón” or even “venga” or “vale”. Still amused he says:

“¡Debes de aprender español, bobo!” - You should learn Spanish, idiot!

I’ll refrain from sharing my reply…let’s just say it involved one finger and a well-known Spanish expletive!

This next one is a classic. My good friend Edu is going steady with a beautiful Mexican chica. I hadn’t known him for long and we’re talking about relationships and he’s telling me how much he loves her. He then says:

“Ella es muy bella, por cierto, pero también, una zorra.” - She’s very beautiful for sure, but also, a fox.

My jaw dropped and I went bright red! At this point, Señor Guiri here thought the word “zorra” had two meanings: One for a female fox, a vixen. The second is pejorative and means a woman of loose virtue, who, ahem, “enjoys the company of men” a lot!

As Edu is fluent I explained this to him in English and he said between bursts of laughter that I was right but that “zorra” also has another meaning: Cunning, astute, smart.

“Menos mal tío, ¡me diste un susto por un momento!” Oh, in such situations you aren’t “embrazada” you’re “avergonzada”. The first means “pregnant” the second “embarrassed”. I expect you already know this false friend but it’s here as a reminder for you anyway.

Here’s another cracker for you! I’d been here about 3 months and I’m talking to someone who is now a good friend of mine, Kiki, a proud Catalan. He doesn’t speak a word of English so communicating with him back then was quite difficult for me. One of the problems here - and it isn’t THAT much of a problem - is being pestered by beggars on the streets. One particular street near our local bar is notorious for them. We’re talking about this one night and Kiki says:

“Mi esposa está a las narices con los mendigos. Siempre ellos la molestan en esa calle.” - My wife is up to here with the beggars, they’re always bothering her on that street.

Except brain of Barcelona here, having not heard the verb “molestar” up to this point, puts two and two together, makes seven, and asks:

“¿Ellos la tocan sexualmente?” - They touch her sexually? Thinking that los mendigos have been molesting her. Well you would think this wouldn’t you?

But Kiki is looking at me like I’ve gone mad and by the look on his face I know I’ve said something iffy. Staring right into my eyes he says menacingly:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Learning English through online tutoring

Learning English through online tutoring

The demand for the English language is here to stay. So, if you are about to take up an English learning course, you had better not delay it any more.

There are two ways in which you can learn English : onsite courses and online courses. Onsite courses are generally handled by reputed language experts who will impart all the necessary skills to students. They hold regular listening, speaking and writing assessments and provide timely feedback that enable students to improve their skills. The onsite environment also provides students with ample opportunities for testing their newly acquired language skills. However, onsite English tutoring courses are very expensive. That is one of the reasons why may people prefer to give these classes a miss. Then, there is also the hassle of finding the time to attend classes regularly. Keep in mind that most people who opt for English tutoring are college students who are still studying or part time employees who want to get a better job. These are busy people who may find it impossible to attend classes regularly.

It is the overriding demand for viable alternatives that led to the development of online English tutoring courses. These courses have a number of advantages. Firstly, they are quite inexpensive when compared to their on-site counterparts. They are also very flexible in nature, thus allowing students to follow their studies at a steady pace of their own.

In some cases, the online variety is the only mode of learning open to a student. For instance, if you have enrolled for a speaking and listening course, your only option is to take it online. The onsite variety may be non-existent in your place of stay or may simply be economically non-viable.

The proliferation of online English tutoring courses may make it difficult for you to spot the right tutor. Here are some tips to help you wade through the sea of internet tutors wisely: Experience: This is the litmus test as far as quality of tutoring is concerned. If the service provider can show references and testimonials from satisfied customers, then, their services are worth taking up. Price: Is the price too good to be true, or too steep to be realistic? Avoid both. A quick web search will give you a good idea of the going rates. Do not fall for rates that are significantly higher or lesser, no matter what they say. Qualified professionals: Use an English tutoring service that employs qualified professionals only. Individual teachers who post online ads may be phony degree holders. Before you take up the offer, find out where the English tutoring service is located. Choose a service that is located in a country where English is spoken natively.

Keep in mind that the internet can be a rich resource or a booby trap. It all depends on how much research you put into finding the service provider who will give you maximum ROI.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

sejarah spongebob

  1. Spongebob_SquarePants: Sejarah 'Sponge Bob'

    Sejarah 'Sponge Bob'. Memang, bentuk Sponge Bob yang kali pertama dibuat Stephen Hillenberg ini terbentuk karena tidak sengaja. Ketika itu, Hillenburg yang ... - Tembolok - Mirip -
  2. Sejarah Spongebob Squarepants » Search | Friendster.Oktavita.Com

    Sejarah Spongebob Squarepants. Jul 28, 2009. About Spongebob Squarepants. –Buku– Al-Qur'anul Kariim Mencari Tuhan Yang Hilang Tasauf Modern Quantum Ikhlash ... - Tembolok - Mirip -
  3. Lampung Post

    12 Jun 2005 ... Nah, daripada kita dibilang kuper alias kurang pergaulan karena tidak mengenal sosok Sponge Bob, kayaknya perlu kita tahu dulu sejarah ... - Tembolok - Mirip -
  4. DINAZ'S BLOG: Sejarah SpongeBob SquarePants

    Sejarah SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants adalah sebuah serial animasi yang paling populer di Nickelodeon. Pada awalnya serial kartun ini ... - Tembolok - Mirip -
  5. Lintas Berita - Sejarah si SPONGEBOB

    SpongeBob Squarepants sejarah dapat ditelusuri kembali ke tahun 1993 ketika Rocko's Modern Life disi... - Tembolok - Mirip -
  6. Spongebob - sejarah dari permainan.

    22 Jun 2009 ... Permainan video game reviews. Permainan game SpongeBob SquarePants azimat fans platform bermain. Spongebob - sejarah dari permainan. - Tembolok - Mirip -
  7. SpongeBob SquarePants - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas

    SpongeBob SquarePants adalah sebuah siri kartun animasi yang paling popular di Nickelodeon. ... SpongeBob SquarePants ialah seekor span yang tinggal dalam sebiji nenas dalam .... Pandangan. Rencana · Perbincangan · Sunting · Sejarah ... - Tembolok - Mirip -
  8. kucinx got: Sejarah SpongeBob Squarepants

    SpongeBob Squarepants sejarah dapat ditelusuri kembali ke tahun 1993 ketika Rocko's Modern Life disiarkan pertama. Salah satu produsen Stephen Hillenburg, ... - Tembolok - Mirip -
  9. Sejarah Spongebob « Tegar Sukma Blog

    Sejarah Spongebob. { 28 Juli 2009 @ 3:55 pm } · { All About Spongebob }. Memang, bentuk Sponge Bob yang kali pertama dibuat Stephen Hillenberg ini terbentuk ... - Tembolok - Mirip -
  10. Yahoo! Answers - Episode Spongebob nyang...?

    menurutku yg pas Spongebob pantatnya pecah & ada gorila nyasar ke laut 3. Terkocak? ~ menurutku yg pas jaman pra sejarah yg baru nemu api & pada heboh bgt ... - Tembolok - Mirip -